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Cigarette Quitting

Submitted by: Bennettrt Brewer Would you stop smoking if I held a gun to your head and pulled the prompt if you ever lit up a cigarette? How people answer is not always what they would do. Most people I ask this question to in my stop smoking hypnosis practice answer - "of course." Well, I explain, this is what you're doing each time you smoke. You're playing the deadly game of "Russian Roulette" - only the odds and outcome are much worse than this game of chance. Let me explain. When you light up a cigarette and smoke it there isn't any way for you to know if it is the smoke that steps your system over the edge and into an unhealthy decline. You see you don't hear the exploding chamber or experience the twinge of a bullet stabbing your skull. It's a deadly silence and there's no warning you have just shot yourself - and maybe fatal. Most smokers' I see inside my hypnosis practice are motivated to quit for healt...

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